
I love painting ethereal things. Encaustics, inks and acrylics lend themselves to this pleasure of abstract mark making, as do colors. The Zen study of the circle (ENSO) and calligraphic strokes appear frequently in my arts, as do the influences of such divinatory arts as the I-Ching, other philosophies and religions. All things encompassing, “as above so below” speaks my Spirits. All of our energies affect all things.
I begin each practice with gratitude. I draw from the teachings of my many mentors who include Louis Bernal, George Welch, Joy Mills, Susan Mrosek, Carol Mahoney, Pat Dolan, Miles Conrad, Paula Roland and Yoshi Nakano. More recently, my art tribe …Jo Andersen, Lori Andersen, Trudy Duffy, and Joan Wike. Each and all are treasures to me, giving lift, gesture and joy to my brushes.
Some notes on Wabi Sabi
( n.) a way of living that focuses on finding beauty within the imperfections of life, and accepting peacefully, the natural cycle of growth and decay.